夏春光,副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事无限维李代数,李共形代数及其表示理论研究。在J. Algebra, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, Algebr. Represent. Theory等期刊发表论文30余篇。
1. 2008/09 - 2013/04,中国科学技术大学,博士
2. 2010/12 - 2012/12,University of Sydney,公派联培博士
3. 2005/09 - 2008/06,澳门大阳城集团官网,硕士
4. 2001/09 - 2005/06,江苏师范大学,本科
1. 2018/01 -至今,澳门大阳城集团官网,副教授
2. 2013/06 -2017/12,澳门大阳城集团官网,讲师
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2015/01-2017/12;
2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,2014/07-2017/06;
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,2019/01-2021/12;
4. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,2014/01-2016/12;
5. 澳门大阳城集团官网“启航计划”项目,2013/09-2015/08。
[26] Chunguang Xia, Representations of the associated Lie conformal algebra of the W1+∞ algebra and beyond, Journal of Algebra, 622 (2023) 69-97.
[25] Chunguang Xia, Representations of twisted infinite Lie conformal superalgebras, Journal of Algebra, 596 (2022) 155-176.
[24] Chunguang Xia, Classification of finite irreducible conformal modules over Lie conformal superalgebra of Block type, Journal of Algebra, 531 (2019) 141-164.
[23] Yucai Su, Chunguang Xia, Lamei Yuan, Classification of finite irreducible conformal modules over a class of Lie conformal algebra of Block type, Journal of Algebra, 499 (2018) 321-336.
[22] Yucai Su, Chunguang Xia, Ying Xu, Classification of quasifinite representations of a Lie algebra related to Block type, Journal of Algebra, 393 (2013) 71-78.
[21] Chunguang Xia, Classification of finite irreducible conformal modules over N=2 Lie conformal superalgebra of Block type, Algebras and Representation Theory, (2022, online) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10468-022-10153-2
[20] Ying Wu, Huidong Wang, Chunguang Xia, Representations of super deformation of Heisenberg-Virasoro type Lie conformal algebras, Communications in Algebra, (2022, online) https://doi.org/10.1080/00927872.2022.2147535
[19] Huidong Wang, Chunguang Xia, Xiufu Zhang, Non-weight representations of Lie superalgebras of Block type I, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 186 (2023) 104775.
[18] Xiu Han, Dengyin Wang, Chunguang Xia, Representations of Lie conformal algebras related to Galilean conformal algebras, Communications in Algebra, 50 (2022) 2427-2438.
[17] Xiu Han, Dengyin Wang, Chunguang Xia, Lie conformal algebras related to Galilean conformal algebras, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 20 (5) (2021) 2150075.
[16] Chunguang Xia, Wei Wang, Li Liu, Structure of a class of Lie conformal algebras of Block type, Communications in Algebra, 48 (2020) 2014-2027.
[15] Yucai Su, Chunguang Xia, Lamei Yuan, Extensions of conformal modules over Lie conformal algebra of Block type, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 224 (2020) 106232.
[14] Xiu Han, Dengyin Wang, Chunguang Xia, Irreducible representations of finite Lie conformal algebras of planar Galilean type, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 85 (3) (2020) 387-397.
[13] Xiao Cheng, Jiancai Sun, Chunguang Xia, Super-biderivations and super-conmmuting maps on the super-Galilean conformal algebras, Communications in Algebra, 46 (6) (2018) 2648-2658.
[12] Xiu Han, Dengyin Wang, Chunguang Xia, Lie conformal algebras of planar Galilean type, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 81 (2) (2018) 185-200.
[11] Chunguang Xia, On classification of quasifinite representations of two classes of Lie superalgebras of Block type, Communications in Algebra, 45 (2) (2017) 502-513.
[10] Dengyin Wang, Chunguang Xia, Diameters of the commuting graphs of simple Lie algebras, Journal of Lie Theory, 27 (2017) 139-154.
[9] Dengyin Wang, Xiaobin Ma, Chunguang Xia, End-regularity of zero-divisor graphs of group rings, Communications in Algebra, 45 (7) (2017) 3061-3067.
[8] Chunguang Xia, Xiu Han, Wei Wang, Structure of a class of Lie algebras of Block type, II, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 15 (2) (2016) 1650038.
[7] Xiu Han, Dengyin Wang, Chunguang Xia,Linear commuting maps and biderivations on the Lie algebras W(a,b), Journal of Lie Theory, 26 (2016) 777-786.
[6] Chunguang Xia,Structure of two classes of Lie superalgebras of Block type, International Journal of Mathematics, 27 (5) (2016) 1650038.
[5] Chunguang Xia, Dengyin Wang, Xiu Han, Linear super-commuting maps and super-biderivations on the super-Virasoro algebras, Communications in Algebra, 44 (2016) 5342-5350.
[4] Guangzhe Fan, Yucai Su, Chunguang Xia, Infinite rank Shrodinger-Virasoro type Lie conformal algebras, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 57 (2016) 081701.
[3] Chunguang Xia, Ruibin Zhang, Unitary highest weight modules over Block type Lie algebra B(q), Journal of Lie Theory, 23 (2013) 159-176.
[2] Yucai Su, Chunguang Xia, Ying Xu, Quasifinite representations of a class of Block type Lie algebra B(q), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 216 (2012) 923-934.
[1] Chunguang Xia, Taijie You, Liji Zhou, Structure of a class of Lie algebras of Block type, Communications in Algebra, 40 (2012) 3113-3126.